20 SEPTEMBER, 2013 Dealing with a hangover

Many times we stay up late because of a celebration or some festivity and consume large quantities of alcohol. Especially when this festivit...

18 SEPTEMBER, 2013 A good diet is the ultimate ally when quitting smoking

You may belong to that category of individuals who repeatedly tries to quit smoking. You may think about it and be deterred by the overwhelm...

12 SEPTEMBER, 2013 The health benefits of cinnamon

The smell of cinnamon! Doesn’t it bring all the beloved and warm images to mind, the ones attached to yiayia’s (greek for ‘grandmother’) kit...

4 SEPTEMBER, 2013 Red pepper: the secret weapon to health

It is famous and, in Greece, one of our favorites: pepper is one of the basic ingredients used in Greek gastronomy, as it constitutes the ba...

6 AUGUST, 2013 Everything you need to know about calcium

Calcium is an essential ingredient for the good health of the bones and teeth, as well as, the proper function of our muscles, heart and imm...

10 JULY, 2013 Proper nutrition during vacation

The summer period, specifically vacation time, is for most people, an opportunity to de-stress and remove themselves from the angst and prob...

3 JULY, 2013 Beware of the summer-eating traps

The summer months are characterized by relaxation and emancipation from daily routines and our diet is also one of the areas that adapts to ...

2 JULY, 2013 What to eat during the summer months

The summer months are characterized by high temperatures and increased exposure to sun rays. These conditions create certain needs for the s...