22 JUNE, 2016

Avocado: The ultimate healthy super food

As acquainted as we all are with the famous guacamole, avocado is so much more than just an ingredient in a tasty dip!

Avocado is a super food and can be our ally in all matters of health and proper nutrition on a daily basis. Furthermore, it multiplies taste in every recipe and provides a state of well-being to anyone that tries it.

A myth accompanied our dear avocado as of lately, one that incriminated it as regards to dietary habits, but, thankfully, all latest researches and articles land a huge amount of truth and highlight its unique quality as a super food filled with beneficial nutrients.

What does avocado consist of?

  • Fiber
  • Proteins
  • Vitamins (K, C, B5, B6, B1, B2, B3)
  • Folate
  • Good fats
  • Potassium

How do we get all its nutritional values?

To receive all nutrients of this super food at maximum, which will help our bones, immune system, our metabolism, our blood and vision, add lemon drops to help in their release – or, simply, add avocado in salads, mash it and spread it on a slice of bread with pepper and salt, put it in each recipe. It actually tastes great with pretty much anything.

How to choose avocados

While shopping, make sure that the avocado can be slightly pressed, is slightly soft – this means that it is mature. If too soft, it is probably very mature and quite bitter.

Additional information about this super fruit

  • It is used in recipes instead of butter
  • Store in refrigerator for about 1 day, adding a couple of lemon drops and keeping it wrapped in transparent film
  • Consists of more potassium than banana
  • Preferably, do not store with apples and bananas, because it matures faster – unless that is the purpose!
  • Can be grilled and roasted!
  • Ideal pair for every food – even for chocolate!

Recipes with avocado

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