
1. What is the difference between Horio Soft with Corfu type butter and Horio Corfu type butter?

Horio Soft with Corfu type butter contains 80% in total, of which 49% is butterfat and 31% vegetable fat. It is a combination of Corfu type butter and vegetable fats, in order to reduce the total amount of its fat by 32% and help it spread with ease on bread or rusks.

2. What is the fat content of Horio Butter products?

All Horio Butter products have an 80% fat content.

3. What kind of milk is used to make Horio butter corfu type?

Horio butter corfu type is made from cow milk. Horio by Minerva aims to keep intact the traditional Greek flavor that has come to define corfu type butter.

4. With how many different methods can Horio Butter products be used?

All Horio Butter products can be used for spreading, in pastry making, in cooking and for frying. As far as the taste differences are concerned, Horio Butter products cover a range of consumer taste preferences. The same applies to Horio Margarine products and Horio Organic margarine

5. Where could we find more information about Horio products?

For more information about Horio products, you may call the toll-free number 800-11-28282, which operates 24 hours a day.

6. With how many different methods can Horio Soft products be used?

All Horio Soft margarines and Horio Soft with Cow Butter can be used for spreading, in cooking and pastry making.