17 DECEMBER, 2015

How to make delicious pancakes

If you think making pancakes takes too long, you got it all wrong! Truth is, they’re extremely easy to make, and they will become your next big thing – if they haven’t already!

In just a few minutes you can have a delicious breakfast, or, if longing for a sweet or savory snack during the day, pancakes are the answer. Add maple syrup or chocolate syrup in the end, grate chocolate on top, and drizzle with marmalade and chopped fruit.

And if savory pancakes it is you prefer, sauté a few slices of bacon and place it, along with graviera slices, among the pancakes. Cut pancake tower like a cake and enjoy!

Serves four
Ready in 15 minutes

  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 2 ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 egg, slightly beaten
  • 1 ½ cups milk
  • 2 tbsp Horio cow butter, melted
  • Some vegetable oil


  • Blueberries, apple in slices, banana, or other fruit of your preference
  • Maple syrup
  • Nuts
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Strawberry, apricot marmalade, etc
  • Horio cow butter
  • Honey
  • For savory pancakes, add Horio graviera or feta cheese and bacon in between the layers


  1. In a bowl, put flour, baking powder and salt. Preferably sift ingredients, so that the mixture won’t get lumpy.
  2. In another bowl, whisk the egg with the milk and add it in the flour bowl (step 1). Mix all together. Slowly add melted Horio cow’s butter. At this step, you can put in the mixture of fruit, nuts, etc.
  3. Put some vegetable oil in a pan and leave it on medium heat.
  4. With a ladle, add some mixture to the pan – as much as you prefer, to make pancakes as thick as you wish.
  5. Cook pancake from one side first. When bubbles appear on top, after two or three minutes, the side is ready. Turn the pancake around to cook the other side.
  6. Serve while warm adding some honey and bits of butter on top of pancakes, or sprinkle with nuts, fruit and chocolate syrup.


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