Blueberry or raspberry cake

Blueberry or raspberry cake

Autumn calls for delicious cakes! Blueberries or raspberries, honey, Horio margarine with greek yogurt make for this amazing cake.



  1. In a big bowl sift flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
  2. In a small bowl mix TOP Apple cider vinegar with 3 tblsp milk.
  3. In another bowl mix honey and the remaining 2 tblsp milk.
  4. Mix the honey mixture with the TOP Apple cider mixture and then add the slightly beaten eggs. Mix all together.
  5. Add liquid ingredients (step 4) to the bowl with the sifted flour (step 1) and mix until homogenized. Add melted Horio margarine with greek yogurt.
  6. Sprinkle blueberries with 1 tsp flour and add them to the mixture.
  7. Grease and flour a detachable cake form of a 20cm diameter and put mixture in the form.
  8. Preheat oven and bake at 180 C for approximately 30 minutes.
  9. After 30 minutes, check if cake is ready with the help of a toothpick. Immerse toothpick at the cake’s center and if it comes out clean, cake is ready.
  10. Cool for 15 minutes and then sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve each piece with some sour cream or yogurt on the side.


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    150 gr all-purpose flour 5 gr baking powder 5 gr baking soda 2 gr salt 10 ml TOP Apple cider vinegar 50 ml milk 80 gr honey 2 eggs, slightly beaten 60 gr Horio margarine with greek yogurt 1 1 / 2 cup blueberries or raspberries (fresh or frozen) 1 tsp flour


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