Food safety is a growing concern among consumers ever since the farming community accepted the use of synthetic chemical substances in order to increase productivity and performance of each acre. Today, great uncertainty exists concerning the safety of modern pesticides. The use of antibiotics, synthetic hormones and genetically modified organisms, in order to intensify production in the context of modern conventional farming practices and ranching, also raise concerns regarding human and animal health.
Organic farmers and our organic ranchers believe that plantlife and livestock thrive when we care for them in harmony with nature.
«We are what we eat»
If a healthy lifestyle depends on being aware of bodily functions, then know what one eats and from where the food comes from is equally important. For many decades, production industries have made it increasingly difficult for consumers to maintain or understand the connection with the place of origin of the food they consume.
This is now beginning to change, given what we know about the advantages of organic farming, we select certificed organic raw materials for our products and proceed to the subsequent production process with an excess amount of love that is accompanied by passion and patience; A step forward towards a balanced diet.
Horio Organic Products & the Environment
The Horio’s organic products are produced based on the standards of organic farming and ranching, all of which respect:
- Nature: farming practices applied to organic farming aim to, aside from protecting both the consumer and the producer, protect the agroecosystem itself. Wilf life (flora and fauna) is a key element and necessary «ingredient» of organic farming. For this reason, a series of practices, such as, preserving wild vegetation on plot borders, maintaining or/and taking the appropriate steps to increase the enemies of crops’ enemy-insects, prohibiting the use of synthetic pesticides and inorganic fertilizers, aim at protecting the agroecosystem and conserve biodiversity.
- the Aquifer: the runoff polluted by chemical pesticides and the irrigation of mainly inorganic nitrate fertilizers, uncontrollably used in conventional farming, result in the pollution and significant negative impact on the aquifer. A characteristic example of this severe impact on tahe aquifer by nitrate substances occur on cotton farms. In contrast, organic farming prohibits the use of inorganic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, which in turn results in the iminimal burdening of the aquifer.
- Soil: monoculture, which is known to deplete the land, is not applied in organic farming. In contrast, organic farming requires the application of a rotation program, which in combination with green manure crops and the use of organic substances, aims to preserve and increase fertility and the soil’s biological activity.
- Livestock: Gandhi has once said, «The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.» Organic ranching emphasizes on the life and welfare of animals. For this reason strict regulations exist in the law governing organic livestock ranching regarding housing conditions, requiring access to open-air exercise areas and pastures, the animals’ health conditions and their mode of transport, as well as, slaughter procedures.
- Producer’s Health: organic producers avoid contact with dangerous chemicals – synthetic pesticides, which, it has been proved, are largely responsible for the emergence of various forms of cancer.
- The Greek countryside: as an effective way of improving Greek products’ competitiveness, giving them the opportunity to open new markets
- Strengthens the image of Greek products abroad.