23 MARCH, 2013

Sustainable development and Horio Sustainable

Tasteful, pure, healthy and simultaneously a product that helps the environment and society. Olive oil is the cherished gold of the diet world, which we as Greeks have been enjoying and loving for centuries. In order for the next generations to enjoy this precious commodity, today more than ever, it is crucial that we all take action in order to ensure its adequate supply in the future. This creates the need to turn to alternative methods of farming that are environmentally friendly, but that are also friendlier towards the future generations’ use of the land.

Sustainability: a prerequisite to ensure the sustenance of future generations

During the previous centuries, scientific studies have provided ample data showing the increasing degradation of the environment, as well as, the realization that economic growth has limits that are determined by the finite global environment. Raw materials and natural resources are not inexhaustible while there are many uncertainty risks and side effects of technology. Societies gradually realized that although the production of goods met the needs of today, there was a possibility that future generations would lack the natural resources to meet their needs. Thus, the imperative need for a new production model was created, one that could ensure the prudent use of natural resources, one targting viability or sustainability.

According to the classic definition, as it is expressed on the European Union’s Europa website, sustainable development is a development that covers all needs of today, without risking that future generations will not be able to meet their needs. Meaning that development is sustainable or viable if today’s growth does not undermine the possibility for future generation’s growth. Therefore, the main objective is the environment’s maximum production of goods without affecting the sufficient supply of natural production in the future.

The terms «integrated environmental management» and «standards» also refer to sustainable development, since htey are connected to the sound and proper exploitation of environmental resources, so that future generations may enjoy the same and more of all that the environment has to offer. Sustainable development, in contrast to organic farming, has not yet been regulated by the European Union.

Sustainability and olive groves

Olive groves are a major source of wealth both for the economy and the cultural capital of Greece. Sustainability of olive groves means the simultaneous development of the olive grove, as well as, the protection of the biodiversity and local populations that reside within it. It means the cultivation of olives in mild ways that do not cause further harm to the environment, the limited use of pesticides, the smallest possible carbon footprint, the full exploitation of by-products (i.e. twigs, dry grass for composting etc), the optimal water consumption and a number of other conditions, all of which serve to decrease the depletion of resources over a generation and protect the environment.

Horio Sustainable: An excellent olive oil that you know has helped the Greek village and the Greek countryside

orthes_praktikes_enJust like the olive, the Greek village is a fundamental cell of the modern Greek development model and one of the main elements of our country’s cultural identity. The preservation and the development of which has become a priority. In the context of sustainable development, one of the central concerns for Horio by Minerva, for now and for the future, is not only the protection of the environment, but also the support of the community, support of the village as an entity and as a basic cell of Greek life. Our objective for the immediate future is the development and support of the people who make up the local community with activities in as many villages that are at a close proximity to olive groves where sustainable farming methods are applied. These actions include logistical assistance at local school, support to local social organizations and institutions and more. Because the people at our villages need to continue to live and produce in the future. And our children need to be able to enjoy the Greek village and its products just like we do today and our ancestors did before us.

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