3 AUGUST, 2016 Watermelon: summer delight

Summer starts when fruit market stalls get filled with watermelons! As June advances, our favorite large green fruit starts to appear in th...

29 JUNE, 2016 Apricot gives us health and beauty

Apricot, the tasty summer fruit! When fresh, its aroma fills our kitchen and inspires for great culinary creations! It is one of the health...

24 MAY, 2016 Tomato, the star of the Greek salad

Red juicy tomatoes with feta cheese, olive oil and slices of fresh bread. Now, this is heaven! We can find tomatoes in so many recipes - ei...

26 APRIL, 2016 7 walnuts per day

During summer, when we used to go to grandma’s house for vacations, we used to walk in the afternoon, our grandmother showing us the walnut ...

9 MARCH, 2016 Fresh from the village: Artichokes

This time our grocery basket is filled with artichokes!

17 FEBRUARY, 2016 Fresh from the village: Mandarines

Our favorite fruit, mandarins, have over 15 varieties throughout the world, each one giving us a great deal of nutritional value!

27 JANUARY, 2016 Fresh from the village: Onions

Onions can be found as an ingredient in so many recipes, adding a spice flavor and offering many pros to our health!

9 DECEMBER, 2015 Fresh from the village: Mushrooms

Portobello, pleurotus, truffle, porcini. Which one is your favorite mushroom?